Wheatfen Forest School is located at Wheatfen Nature Reserve in Surlingham, a short drive from Norwich.
We are an established setting that has been providing an inclusive environment for children of all ages in our community for 10 years.
Now, with generous support from Norwich Freemen’s Charity and players of The People’s Postcode Lottery, we are able to offer our services to schools.
Our main focus is social, emotional and mental health, which our qualified, experienced staff will support on a personalised level. We also recognise that students may have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) or arrive as a result of undiagnosed SEND which will have contributed to making traditional schooling a challenge.
Our primary audience is high school pupils but we will consider referrals from primary schools.
We offer a bespoke programme in a safe, secure environment to help them on their path, whatever that might be. They might need time in nature to restore their attention; or to develop good coping strategies for challenges they’re facing; they might need to find what their strengths are; or experience more flexible boundaries to develop their self-regulation; they might need to master practical skills for a purpose, perhaps leading to a future vocation in the outdoors; some unconditional positive regard from adults and acceptance from peers; or to experience success as a learner to repair their self-esteem.
A typical day runs from 10-3, beginning with breakfast and community time, which usually takes the form of circle time at the start. This is often followed by a group game and some woodland conservation work. We make and eat lunch together, then students have self-directed time, led by their interests and facilitated by forest school leaders. This can include learning tool skills, bushcraft, construction projects, talking, enjoying sensory or physical play, doing something creative or exploring nature. At the end of the day we have some reflection time as a group, and make suggestions for our next session before home time.
In all aspects of forest school young people have agency in what they learn and do, including our group / social contract.
To refer a young person to our service please complete the referral form below and email it to us.
The information below is essential reading and we ask that referring parties read the documents before making a referral.
You can find relevant policies on our policies page.