Introducing Ents
Following a suggestion from Mighty Oaks, our Forest School elders, we were inspired to start a new youth conservation group. They named the group “Ents” because Ents (the giant talking trees of Lord of the Rings fame) are bigger than Mighty Oaks!
Our friends, the South Yare Wildlife Group, funded our pilot year, then Saracen’s Norfolk Fund took the baton and funded us to continue our volunteering in South Norfolk once every six weeks. We are now delighted to announce that Greening Our Communities Fund have supported us to make Ents monthly, with some whole day work parties, and provided us with some weatherproof clothing and footwear. So if you don’t have all the gear, it doesn’t matter, you can still take part.
We work at a range of wildlife sites inclduing Wheatfen, Bergh Apton Conservation Trust, Fair Farm in Postwick and other places which SYWG help to manage. Bergh Apton is our main venue, because there is so much great work to be done!
Who is Ents for and how do I join?
Ents is for high school aged people (11-18) in Norfolk. It might be that you love the outdoors and would like to connect with other young people who share your interests. Perhaps you are considering training for a job in nature as part of your post 16 pathway, and would like to build your skills and get some real life experience, or looking to volunteer for your Duke of Edinburgh Award? If you are one of the increasing number of young people suffering from eco-anxiety, helping nature in a practical way could also help you to feel better. Whatever your motivation – nature needs you!
If you would like to sign up, your caregiver can register your interest here.
How does it work?
We will arrange a work party one Sunday a month in term time. Once you have registered your interest, you will join a pool of volunteers who will be invited to come to each work party. You don’t have to come to every one, and it is free to take part. There are 15 spaces per work party.
*** Next work party is here at Wheatfen on Sunday 23rd March 10-3. If you’re already registered RSVP here. If you’d like to come along but haven’t joined us yet, register your interest using the link above and we will be in touch soon. Booking is essential! **